Faction logs
Date Leader Faction Action Reason
26.02.2017 13:45 El Loco Cartel Joined the faction None
26.02.2017 12:49 El Loco Cartel Resigned from leader None
23.02.2017 11:56 El Loco Cartel Received FactionWarn Neraspundere PM 48h.
08.02.2017 17:21 El Loco Cartel Received a FW clear Mai multa atentie!
07.01.2017 23:16 El Loco Cartel Received FactionWarn Favorizare aplicatie
26.12.2016 11:27 El Loco Cartel Received FactionWarn Favorizare aplicatie
18.12.2016 20:20 El Loco Cartel Got leader None
18.12.2016 20:20 El Loco Cartel Left the faction Promovat lider ELC.
02.12.2016 12:50 El Loco Cartel Joined the faction None
01.12.2016 21:41 Vietnamese Boys Left the faction Demisie / Resignation
16.11.2016 19:34 Vietnamese Boys Got rank 4 Multumesc de ajutor.
02.11.2016 20:09 Vietnamese Boys Got rank 6 Felicitari.
16.10.2016 14:25 Vietnamese Boys Got rank 3 Perioada minima.
25.09.2016 14:01 Vietnamese Boys Got rank 2 Felicitari.
11.09.2016 13:13 Vietnamese Boys Joined the faction None