Faction logs
Date Leader Faction Action Reason
11.10.2018 23:36 LS Taxi Received a FW clear Comportament adecvat
27.09.2018 15:40 LS Taxi Received FactionWarn Cerere rankup. A 3-a abatere
05.09.2018 21:25 LS Taxi Got rank 3 Merita, intr-un final.
20.08.2018 20:27 LS Taxi Got rank 2 Merit
02.08.2018 16:11 LS Taxi Joined the faction None
30.07.2018 23:24 69 Pier Mobs Left the faction Demisie / Resignation
16.07.2018 23:15 69 Pier Mobs Joined the faction None
13.07.2018 16:16 Avispa Rifa Left the faction Demisie / Resignation
29.06.2018 14:05 Avispa Rifa Joined the faction None
25.06.2018 18:15
Verdant Family Left the faction Demisie / Resignation
19.06.2018 19:36
Verdant Family Got rank 2 Respect Sebi
05.06.2018 19:29
Verdant Family Joined the faction None
04.06.2018 18:23 Red Dragon Triad Left the faction Demisie / Resignation
30.05.2018 02:29 Red Dragon Triad Got rank 6 Felicitari!
09.05.2018 20:11 Red Dragon Triad Got rank 3 Felicitari!