Clan logs
Date Owner Clan Action
27.08.2023 22:24 Speedy ZEW Received a CW clear
27.08.2023 22:24 Speedy ZEW Received ClanWarn
02.06.2023 20:24 St4cky ZEW Promoted to clan owner
19.02.2023 15:04 St4cky ZEW Promoted to clan owner
18.01.2022 23:55 St4cky ZEW Got rank 6
25.03.2021 21:42 Evil.[ZEW] ZEW Got rank 5
25.03.2021 21:42 Evil.[ZEW] ZEW Got rank 4
17.02.2021 21:19 Evil.[ZEW] ZEW Promoted to clan owner
27.11.2020 13:10 cRz ZEW Got rank 5
29.09.2020 23:14 St4cky ZEW Got rank 6
29.09.2020 23:13 St4cky ZEW Got rank 3
30.05.2020 23:13 Evil.[ZEW] ZEW Got rank 6
05.04.2020 00:02 St4cky ZEW Got rank 5
05.04.2020 00:01 St4cky ZEW Joined the clan
04.04.2020 22:37 Rami[ZEW] All Star Left the clan