09.01.2025 - 3.1 - by Kelton
4.8    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border


  • Noutati:
    • au fost adaugate achievementuri noi pentru skillurile 6-10 la jobul de Mecanic, cat si skillurile noi pe Jobs.
    • a fost implementat un sistem de SHOP direct in website. Motivele acestei decizii sunt multiple si a trebuit sa ne gandim mult si bine la aceasta schimbare. Shopul vechi (shop.b-zone.ro) are o arhitectura foarte veche care are ca si backend o structura facuta de o terta parte si pe care nu avem cum sa o mai actualizam. Asta inseamna ca va veni un moment in care din cauza structurii foarte vechi shop-ul acesta va deveni inutilizabil si nu dorim sa ne trezim peste noapte ca nu mai functioneaza. Un alt motiv este adaugarea unor noi legi ale statului Roman prin care firmele trebuie sa faca facturare directa catre client si integrare cu e-factura. Aceasta integrare nu este posibila pentru shopul vechi pentru ca nu avem cum sa-l modificam.
    • in partea superioara dreapta langa iconita de notificari a fost adaugata o noua iconita care o sa va directioneze rapid catre sectiunea de Shop a contului vostru.
    • in aceasta noua sectiune veti putea vizualiza cantitatea de Gold de pe cont, cantitatea de Gold comandata pana in acel moment (inclusiv de pe shopul vechi) si numarul de Vouchere disponibile (veti gasi mai jos informatii despre acestea).
    • putin mai jos veti gasi informatii de facturare care pot fi modificate facand click pe buton Manage Billing Information si care sunt necesare facturarii si integrarii cu noile legi ale statului Roman. Va revine voua jucatoriilor obligatia de a va asigura ca aceste date sunt corecte. Noi nu ne asumam nicio raspundere pentru jucatorii care completeaza incorect aceste date, iar fara ele nu se va putea comanda gold. Aceste date sunt folosite STRICT pentru facturare si nimic altceva. Ele sunt inclusiv ascunse adminilor 6 iar daca din variate motive doriti ca datele sa fie uitate, tot ce aveti de facut este sa le editati si sa puneti informatii aleatorii.
    • sub aceasta sectiune vei vedea butonul de Buy Gold de unde veti putea in mod evident comanda gold. Sunt adaugate niste restrictii pentru accesarea acestei pagini, cum ar fi sa aveti minim nivel 3 la cont, sa aveti datele de facturare adaugate, sa aveti validata adresa de email de pe cont, sa nu aveti contul banat cu motiv no unban. Pentru a va valida emailul folositi comanda /validate pe server, dupa care veti primi un email cu un link de confirmare pe care trebuie sa faceti click pentru a finaliza validarea.
    • sub butonul de achizitie gold veti mai vedea doua rubruci, una pentru comenziile plasate impreuna cu detalii despre acestea.
    • coloana Order ID arata numarul comenzii, coloana Receiver arata pe care cont a fost comandat goldul, coloana Affiliate arata pe care cont a fost adaugat un procent extra de gold din totalul sumei comandate daca ati adaugat vreun alt jucator ca Affiliate, coloana Product care corespunde pachetului de gold comandat, coloana Quantity care indica numarul de astfel de pachete comandate, coloana Total care indica totalul sumei platite pentru intreaga comanda (asadar veti vedea aceeasi suma de total la toate intrarile din tabel care au acelasi Order ID), Payment Method care corespunde metodei de plata selectate, Status care indica finalizarea platii si livrarea comenzii, Date care indica data comenzii si Download care permite descarcarea facturii in format .pdf doar in cazul metodei de plata prin Card.
    • a doua rubrica corespunde Voucherelor disponibile pe cont, avand coloanele Voucher ID care corespunde id-ului acelui voucher, Amount care corespunde cantitatii in gold a voucherului pe care o veti primi pe cont in cazul folosirii acelui voucher (daca ai un voucher de 200 Gold si-l folosesti, vei primi 200 Gold pe cont), Expiration Date care arata data la care acel voucher va expira si va fi sters de pe cont daca nu este folosit, For Sale pentru a pune voucherul spre vanzare in sectiunea Economy de pe website.
    • ideea de vouchere a fost adaugata pentru inlocuirea ideii de credit de pe vechiul shop, credit pe care noi il ofeream ca si "salariu" pentru anumite categorii de persoane de pe server si ocazional ca si premiu la diverse concursuri organizate in cadrul comunitatii. Similar cu creditul de pe vechiul shop, voucherul va putea fi vandut pe bani reali altor jucatori, vanzarea facandu-se insa pe propria raspundere a persoanelor implicate. Noi nu avem cum verifica sau facilita astfel de tranzactii, de aceea vor fi facute pe propria voastra raspundere. Spre deosebire de creditul de pe shopul vechi care putea fi vandut doar pe bani reali, voucherele pot fi vandute inclusiv pe alte bunuri in joc. Dupa cum ati vazut in update-ul de pe serverul RPG, voucherele pot fi adaugate pe /trade si mutate pe alte conturi.
    • de retinut ca aceste vouchere nu pot fi cumparate din shop, ci sunt oferite doar in conditii speciale stabilite de noi, de regula ca si salarii asa cum am mentionat mai sus iar foarte rar ca si premii la anumite concursuri. Le veti putea insa cumpara de la jucatori care le detin, fie cu bunuri pe server sau cu bani reali.
    • cosul de cumparaturi poate fi accesat facand click pe butonul de Buy Gold asa cum am mentionat mai sus, unde veti ajunge pe o pagina pe care veti vedea aceleasi pachete de gold cu care ati fost obisnuiti si pana acum. Singura diferenta este ca vom trece la valoarea sub forma de LEU/RON in loc de EURO (acest lucru fiind necesar pentru unele metode de plata, in timp ce altele au ramas la EURO).
    • pe pagina veti vedea pachetele de gold disponibile, iar sub pachet veti vedea pretul aferent fiecaruia dintre ele si o iconita pe care puteti face click pentru a adauga pachetul in cosul vostru de cumparaturi. Daca faceti click a doua oara pe iconita aceluiasi pachet, va creste cantitatea la doua pachete si asa mai departe pana la maxim 10 pachete de aceeasi cantitate.
    • in partea de jos a paginii veti vedea detaliile despre cosul de cumparaturi si ce pachete ati adaugat pana in acel moment, jucatorul care va primi goldul, Affiliate daca a fost setat, cantitatea care poate fi modificata de pe sagetile plus sau minus, si pretul pentru acel pachet in functie de cantitatea selectata.
    • vei putea vedea de asemenea un buton de culoare rosie pentru a goli cu totul continutul cosului de cumparaturi sau puteti face click pe semnul minus din rubrica de Quantity pentru a sterge din cos pachetele de gold nedorite.
    • in partea dreapta inferioara veti vedea un rezumat cu suma totala pentru comanda exprimata atat in LEU/RON cat si in EURO, cat si cantitatea totala de Gold pe care o comandati.
    • puteti modifica pentru fiecare tip de pachet in parte contul din coloana Receiver, adica contul pe care vreti sa comandati goldul. Puteti adauga conturi diferite pentru pachete diferite. Astfel ca puteti comanda pachetul de 200 gold pe contul Cont1 si pachetul de 808 gold pe contul Cont2.
    • acelasi lucru este valabil si pentru rubrica Affiliate, unde puteti seta un cont al unui alt jucator care sa primeasca un bonus de 10% din suma de gold a acelui pachet. De exemplu daca comandati 200 gold pe contul vostru, jucatorul setat la affiliate va primi 20 gold bonus iar voi veti primi cei 200 gold pe care i-ati comandat.
    • in cazul jucatorilor care detin badge-ul de YouTuber, acestia vor primi 20% din cantitatea de gold comandata daca sunt adaugati la Affiliate.
    • adaugarea unui Affiliate nu este obligatorie si ramane la decizia voastra daca adaugati sau nu unul si vreti sa sustineti un alt jucator. Puteti adauga un affiliate facand click pe iconita de editare din dreptul cuvantului None, unde vi se va deschide un dialog in care trebuie sa scrieti numele contului dorit. Daca contul exista, acesta va fi adaugat ca affiliate si veti putea verifica daca ati adaugat contul corect. Puteti edita din nou contul de pe aceeasi iconita si sa introduceti un alt nume sau puteti sterge cu totul acel Affiliate lasand gol chenarul in care introduceti numele nou si facand click pe butonul save.
    • sub tabelul cu detaliile comenzii veti avea metodele de plata disponibile, aceleasi ca pe shopul vechi. E posibil sa nu functioneze toate metodele de plata la lansarea shopului direct pe website si veti primi o eroare in cazul in care una dintre metode este indisponibila.
    • sub metodele de plata veti vedea un mesaj care va duce catre o noua sectiune de Termeni si Conditii pentru utilizarea noului shop si care va informeaza ca la orice comanda plasata sunteti de acord cu acesti Termeni si Conditii. Cititi asadar aceasta noua pagina iar daca nu sunteti de acord cu ce scrie acolo, nu efectuati comenzi pe shopul nostru. Orice comanda efectuata automat inseamna acordul cu acesti termeni.
    • butonul de Complete Order va duce spre procesarea comenzii si o sa va redirectioneze catre site-ul comerciantului de plati in functie de metoda selectata. Pe site-ul acestuia trebuie sa efectuati plata, iar de indata ce acesta confirma ca plata a fost finalizata veti fi redirectionati catre website-ul nostru unde veti vedea comanda plasata si veti primi goldul pe cont, de regula instant. Daca intampinati probleme si nu primiti goldul in mai bine de 15 minute de la finalizarea comenzii care a fost platita, va rugam sa deschideti un ticket pe website.
    • dupa plasarea cu succes a unei comenzi veti primi un email de confirmare la adresa de email setata pe cont cu detalii despre comanda efectuata.
    • a fost adaugata de asemenea posibilitatea de aplicare reduceri la pachetele de gold cu un maxim de utilizari, similar cu reducerile pe care le facem de regula de Black Week (Black Friday). Acest sistem insa este mult mai simplu si nu mai necesita introducerea de cod promotional.
    • produsele aflate la reducere din cos nu vor putea fi comandate daca intre timp reducerile au expirat la unul sau mai multe din pachetele de gold disponibile, asadar va trebui sa le stergeti din cos pentru a putea finaliza comanda.
    • ce se va intampla cu shopul vechi (shop.b-zone.ro)? avand in vedere ca multa lume inca are credit pe conturile de acolo, acesta va functiona in continuare in paralel cu noul shop pentru o perioada nedeterminata. Anumite metode de plata vor fi eliminate insa, ca urmare a noilor legi.
    • sugeram tuturor jucatorilor sa se obisnuiasca cu noul shop si sa treaca la folosirea acestuia deoarece in scurt timp functionalitatea shopului vechi va fi din ce in ce mai restrictionata, ajungand intr-un final sa-l inchidem complet. Preconizam inchiderea shopului vechi pana la incheierea anului 2025, incercand sa oferim mai mult decat suficient timp tuturor sa isi utilizeze creditul ramas pe vechiul shop.
    • nu avem cum transfera date de pe vechiul shop, precum comenzile pe care le-ati efectuat pe acesta sau alte informatii de acest gen.
    • va exista o perioada de tranzitie in care vom vedea daca ne lipsesc si alte lucruri de pe noul shop si le vom adauga sau ne vom adapta in functie de nevoi.
  • Imbunatatiri:
    • adaugata o restrictie de lungime pentru comentariile in aplicatiile de la clanuri, comentariile de oferte in sectiunea Economy, comentariile din aplicatiile la factiuni, maxim 1.000 caractere permise.
    • adaugata o restrictie de lungime pentru comentariile din cererile de recuperare, comentariile din reclamatiile la factiuni, comentariile din cererile de unban, comentariile din reclamatiile jucatoriilor, comentariile din cererile de interdictie, maxim 10.000 caractere permise.
    • adaugat ckeditor la editarea comentariilor aplicatiilor la clanuri (care permite stilizari ale textului).
    • chart-ul pentru productia bizurilor din sectiunea Stats -> Businesses a fost modificat si facut dinamic, facand click pe randul cu proprietarii unui anumit biz chart-ul se va actualiza si va afisa informatiile financiare ale acelui biz impreuna cu numele sau pentru a fi mai usor de inteles informatiile carui biz sunt vizibile la acel moment.
    • diverse modificari vizuale in cererile de recuperare vizibile doar adminiilor, pentru a le fi mai usor sa vada informatiile relevante despre contul care se incearca a fi recuperat.
  • Altele:
    • s-a revenit la vechiul tip de recaptcha cu bifarea casutei deoarece recaptcha-ul invibizil permitea un numar maxim de accesari pe zi pe care site-ul nostru il depasea, moment in care nu mai functiona si nu mai era posibila logarea pe conturi.
    • a fost dezactivata sectiunea de Player Stats care afisa imagini de tip bara cu informatii despre cont, lucruri care majoritatea nu le mai foloseau de ani de zile si care ocupau spatiu inutil pe host.
    • a fost rezolvat un bug care afisa incorect data in anumite conditii, in interiorul sistemului de mesaje private sau ticketuri.
    • a fost rezolvat un bug care nu permitea jucatoriilor sa-si puna inactivitate pe 2 saptamani in cazul in care au avut deja inactivitate pusa si au trecut cele 45 de zile necesare pana la urmatoarea inactivitate.
    • a fost rezolvat un bug care adauga saptamana incorecta la vizualizarea raportelor de activitate ale unei factiuni atunci cand se face trecerea in acea saptamana de la un an la urmatorul.
    • au fost facute mici corecturi care ar trebui sa rezolve o parte din problemele de incarare a functiei de cautare in aplicatii disponibila liderilor.
    • a fost adaugata o verificare pentru a sterge intrarile de la Economy acolo unde vehiculele au fost vandute la dealership si ele nu mai exista.


  • New:
    • New achievements have been added for skills 6-10 for the Mechanic job, as well as new skills for Jobs.
    • A SHOP system has been implemented directly on the website. The reasons for this decision are multiple, and we had to think long and hard about this change. The old shop (shop.b-zone.ro) has a very outdated architecture with a backend created by a third party, which we cannot update. This means there will come a time when, due to its outdated structure, this shop will become unusable, and we do not want to wake up one day finding it no longer functional. Another reason is the introduction of new Romanian state laws requiring companies to issue direct invoices to clients and integrate with e-invoicing systems. This integration is not possible with the old shop as it cannot be modified.
    • In the top right corner, next to the notification icon, a new icon has been added that will quickly direct you to the Shop section of your account.
    • In this new section, you will be able to view the amount of Gold in your account, the amount of Gold ordered up to that moment (including from the old shop), and the number of available Vouchers (you can find more information about these below).
    • Further down, you will find billing information that can be modified by clicking the "Manage Billing Information" button. This information is required for invoicing and integration with the new Romanian state laws. It is your responsibility as players to ensure this information is accurate. We take no responsibility for players who enter incorrect data, and without it, Gold cannot be ordered. This information is used STRICTLY for invoicing purposes and nothing else. It is also hidden from level 6 admins, and if for any reason you want this data forgotten, all you need to do is edit it and replace it with random information.
    • Under this section, you will see the Buy Gold button, where you can obviously order gold. Some restrictions have been added to access this page, such as having at least level 3 on your account, having billing information added, having your account's email address validated, and not having your account banned with the reason "no unban." To validate your email, use the /validate command on the server, after which you will receive an email with a confirmation link that you need to click to complete the validation.
    • Below the Buy Gold button, you will see two sections, one for placed orders along with details about them.
    • The Order ID column shows the order number, the Receiver column shows the account on which the gold was ordered, the Affiliate column shows the account that received an extra percentage of gold from the total ordered amount if you added another player as an Affiliate, the Product column corresponds to the gold package ordered, the Quantity column indicates the number of such packages ordered, the Total column indicates the total amount paid for the entire order (so you will see the same total amount in all entries in the table that have the same Order ID), the Payment Method column corresponds to the selected payment method, the Status column indicates the completion of the payment and the delivery of the order, the Date column indicates the order date, and the Download column allows downloading the invoice in .pdf format only in the case of payment by card.
    • The second section corresponds to the Vouchers available on the account, with columns Voucher ID, which corresponds to the ID of that voucher, Amount, which corresponds to the amount of gold the voucher will add to your account when used (if you have a voucher for 200 Gold and use it, you will receive 200 Gold on your account), Expiration Date, which shows the date the voucher will expire and be deleted from the account if not used, and For Sale, which allows you to list the voucher for sale in the Economy section of the website.
    • The idea of vouchers was added to replace the concept of credit from the old shop, credit that we used to offer as a "salary" for certain categories of people on the server and occasionally as a prize in various competitions organized within the community. Similar to the credit on the old shop, the voucher can be sold for real money to other players, but the sale is made at the full responsibility of the involved parties. We cannot verify or facilitate such transactions; therefore, they will be done at your own risk. Unlike the credit from the old shop, which could only be sold for real money, vouchers can also be sold for other in-game goods. As you have seen in the update on the RPG server, vouchers can be added to /trade and transferred to other accounts.
    • Note that these vouchers cannot be purchased from the shop; they are offered only under special conditions set by us, usually as salaries, as mentioned above, and very rarely as prizes in certain competitions. However, you can buy them from players who own them, either with in-game goods or with real money.
    • The shopping cart can be accessed by clicking the Buy Gold button, as mentioned above, where you will be taken to a page displaying the same gold packages you were used to until now. The only difference is that we will switch to displaying prices in LEU/RON instead of EURO (this is necessary for some payment methods, while others remain in EURO).
    • On the page, you will see the available gold packages, and below each package, you will see its price and an icon you can click to add the package to your shopping cart. If you click the same icon a second time, the quantity will increase to two packages, and so on, up to a maximum of 10 packages of the same quantity.
    • At the bottom of the page, you will see details about your shopping cart, including the packages you have added so far, the player who will receive the gold, the Affiliate if set, the quantity, which can be modified using the plus or minus arrows, and the price for that package based on the selected quantity.
    • You will also see a red button to clear the entire contents of your shopping cart, or you can click the minus sign in the Quantity section to remove unwanted gold packages from the cart.
    • In the lower-right corner, you will see a summary of the total amount for the order, expressed in both LEU/RON and EURO, as well as the total amount of Gold you are ordering.
    • You can modify the Receiver column for each package type, i.e., the account where you want the gold to be delivered. You can add different accounts for different packages. For example, you can order the 200-gold package for account Account1 and the 808-gold package for account Account2.
    • The same applies to the Affiliate column, where you can set the account of another player to receive a 10% bonus from the gold amount of that package. For example, if you order 200 gold for your account, the player set as the affiliate will receive a 20-gold bonus, and you will receive the 200 gold you ordered.
    • For players who hold the YouTuber badge, they will receive 20% of the ordered gold amount if they are added as an Affiliate.
    • Adding an Affiliate is not mandatory and remains your decision whether to add one or not to support another player. You can add an affiliate by clicking the edit icon next to the word None, which will open a dialog where you need to enter the desired account name. If the account exists, it will be added as an affiliate, and you can verify if you have added the correct account. You can edit the account again using the same icon and enter another name or completely delete the Affiliate by leaving the field empty and clicking the save button.
    • Below the table with order details, you will find available payment methods, the same as on the old shop. It is possible that not all payment methods will work when the shop is launched directly on the website, and you will receive an error if one of the methods is unavailable.
    • Below the payment methods, you will see a message that will direct you to a new Terms and Conditions section for using the new shop, informing you that by placing any order, you agree to these Terms and Conditions. Therefore, read this new page carefully, and if you do not agree with what is written there, do not place orders on our shop. Any order placed automatically means agreement with these terms.
    • The Complete Order button will proceed to order processing and redirect you to the payment merchant's site based on the selected method. On their site, you must complete the payment, and as soon as they confirm that the payment is finalized, you will be redirected to our website, where you will see the placed order and receive the gold in your account, usually instantly. If you encounter any issues and do not receive the gold within more than 15 minutes after completing the paid order, please open a ticket on the website.
    • After successfully placing an order, you will receive a confirmation email at the email address set on your account with details about the placed order.
    • The option to apply discounts to gold packages with a maximum number of uses has also been added, similar to the discounts we usually offer during Black Week (Black Friday). However, this system is much simpler and no longer requires the use of a promotional code.
    • Discounted products in the cart cannot be ordered if, in the meantime, the discounts have expired for one or more of the available gold packages. Therefore, you will need to remove them from the cart to finalize the order.
    • What will happen to the old shop (shop.b-zone.ro)? Considering that many people still have credit in their accounts there, it will continue to operate in parallel with the new shop for an indefinite period. However, certain payment methods will be removed as a result of the new laws.
    • We encourage all players to get used to the new shop and start using it because, shortly, the functionality of the old shop will become increasingly restricted, eventually leading to its complete closure. We anticipate shutting down the old shop by the end of 2025, aiming to provide more than enough time for everyone to use up their remaining credit on the old shop.
    • We cannot transfer data from the old shop, such as the orders you placed there or other similar information.
    • There will be a transition period during which we will assess if any features are missing from the new shop and add them as needed or adapt based on requirements.
  • Improvements:
    • A length restriction has been added for comments in clan applications, offer comments in the Economy section, and comments in faction applications, with a maximum of 1,000 characters allowed.
    • A length restriction has been added for comments in recovery requests, comments in faction complaints, comments in unban requests, comments in player complaints, and comments in restriction requests, with a maximum of 10,000 characters allowed.
    • CKEditor has been added for editing comments in clan applications (allowing text styling).
    • The chart for business production in the Stats -> Businesses section has been modified and made dynamic. Clicking on the row with the owners of a particular business will update the chart and display the financial information of that business along with its name, making it easier to understand whose business information is currently visible.
    • Various visual changes have been made in recovery requests, visible only to admins, to make it easier for them to see relevant information about the account being recovered.
  • Other:
    • We have reverted to the old type of reCAPTCHA with the checkbox because the invisible reCAPTCHA allowed a maximum number of accesses per day, which our site exceeded, causing it to stop working and making it impossible to log into accounts.
    • The Player Stats section, which displayed bar-type images with account information, has been disabled. Most users had not used it for years, and it was taking up unnecessary space on the host.
    • A bug that incorrectly displayed the date in certain conditions within the private messaging or ticket systems has been fixed.
    • A bug that prevented players from setting 2-week inactivity if they had already used the inactivity feature and the required 45 days since the last inactivity had passed has been fixed.
    • A bug that added an incorrect week when viewing faction activity reports during the transition week from one year to the next has been fixed.
    • Minor corrections have been made that should resolve some of the loading issues with the search function in applications available to leaders.
    • A check has been added to delete entries from the Economy section where vehicles have been sold at the dealership and no longer exist.
09.11.2024 - 3.0 - by Kelton
4.5    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
31.08.2024 - 2.8.3 - by Kelton
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01.07.2024 - 2.8.2 - by Kelton
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18.03.2024 - 2.8.1 - by Kelton
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10.02.2024 - 2.8 - by Kelton
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03.01.2024 - 2.7.9 - by Kelton
3.6    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
01.07.2023 - 2.7.8 - by Kelton
4.5    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
06.06.2023 - 2.7.6 - by Kelton
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21.05.2023 - 2.7.5 - by Kelton
4.6    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
17.05.2023 - 2.7.4 - by Kelton
4.7    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
09.05.2023 - 2.7.3 - by Kelton
4.4    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
27.04.2023 - 2.7.2 - by Kelton
4.4    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
18.04.2023 - 2.7.1 - by Kelton
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14.04.2023 - 2.7 - by Kelton
4.9    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
28.07.2020 - Version 2.6.0 - by BlackThief
3.7    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
30.05.2020 - Version 2.5.0 - by BlackThief
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17.05.2020 - Version 2.4.0 - by BlackThief
4.9    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
21.12.2019 - Version 2.3.0 - by Kelton and kobo
3.8    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
28.02.2019 - Version 2.2.4 - by rpg3_kobo
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22.11.2018 - Version 2.2.3 - by rpg3_kobo
4.4    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
09.09.2018 - Version 2.2.2 - by rpg3_kobo
4.7    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
17.08.2018 - Version 2.2.1 - by rpg3_kobo and BlackThief
4.8    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
24.07.2018 - Version 2.2.0 - by BlackThief
4.5    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
25.04.2018 - Version 2.1.8 - by BlackThief
2.7    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
02.11.2017 - Version 2.1.6 - by BlackThief
4.5    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
19.06.2017 - Version 2.1.5 - by BlackThief
4.6    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
22.02.2017 - Version 2.1.4 - by BlackThief
4.5    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
08.01.2017 - Version 2.1.3c - by BlackThief
3.9    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
01.12.2016 - Version 2.1.3b - by BlackThief
4.3    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
16.11.2016 - Version 2.1.3 - by BlackThief
4.2    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
28.07.2016 - Version 2.1.2 - by BlackThief
4.2    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
04.07.2016 - Version 2.1.1 - by BlackThief
3.7    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
30.06.2016 - Version 2.1.0 - by BlackThief
4    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
16.06.2016 - Version 2.0.9 - by BlackThief
4    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
22.05.2016 - Version 2.0.8 - by BlackThief
4.2    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
27.04.2016 - Version 2.0.7 - by BlackThief
4    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
19.04.2016 - Version 2.0.6 - by BlackThief
3.1    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
26.03.2016 - Version 2.0.5 - by BlackThief
3.7    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
04.03.2016 - Version 2.0.4 - by BlackThief
3.7    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
10.02.2016 - Version 2.0.3 - by BlackThief
4    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
01.02.2016 - Version 2.0.2 - by BlackThief
4    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
25.01.2016 - Version 2.0.1 - by BlackThief
3.7    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
16.01.2016 - Version 2.0.0 - by BlackThief
3.7    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
05.01.2016 - Version 1.9 - by BlackThief
3.7    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
26.03.2015 - Version 1.8 - by Mastertrap21
3.7    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
17.08.2014 - Version 1.7 - by Mastertrap21
3.7    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
04.08.2014 - Version 1.6 - by Mastertrap21
3.7    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
27.07.2014 - Version 1.5 - by Mastertrap21
3.7    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
19.07.2014 - Version 1.4 - by Mastertrap21
4    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
13.04.2014 - Version 1.3 - by Mastertrap21
4.3    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
19.02.2014 - Version 1.2 - by Mastertrap21
4    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
16.02.2014 - Version 1.1 BETA - by Mastertrap21
4.2    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
19.01.2014 - Version 1.0.5 - by Mastertrap21
4.4    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
05.11.2013 - Version 1.0 BETA - by Mastertrap21
4.2    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border