01.07.2024 - 8.0.0 - by mushrooma
3.9    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border


  • Suntem încântați să anunțăm că trecem la o versiune nouă de SA-MP numită Open MP!
    • Această actualizare este concepută pentru a îmbunătăți semnificativ experiența ta de joc în următoarele moduri:
      • Gameplay mai fluid: Bucură-te de o experiență de joc mai lină și fluidă.
      • Reducerea lagului: Experimentează mai puțin lag, făcând jocul mai plăcut.
      • Răspuns mai rapid al serverului: Beneficiază de răspunsuri mai rapide ale serverului, asigurându-te că acțiunile tale sunt înregistrate instantaneu.
    • Suntem dedicați să îți oferim cel mai bun mediu de joc posibil și credem că Open MP va duce experiența ta la următorul nivel. Poți găsi mai multe detalii despre Open-MP pe acest site.
    • Open MP este complet compatibil cu SA-MP, așa că poți continua să intri în joc folosind clientul tău obișnuit SA-MP. Cu toate acestea, îți recomandăm cu tărie să instalezi launcherul Open MP pentru o experiență mai sigură și mai prietenoasă folosind acest website.
    • Dacă întâmpini orice probleme de joc în timpul acestei tranziții, te rugăm să le raportezi pe forumurile noastre la [Raportare Bug-uri]. Feedback-ul tău este crucial pentru a ne ajuta să îmbunătățim serverul pentru toată lumea.
  • Am rezolvat un bug unde, dacă un membru FBI folosește comanda /namecover, apoi se deconectează și se reconectează, /namecover nu se aplică corect.
  • Am rezolvat un bug unde, dacă un membru FBI folosește comanda /clanresign și are /namecover activ, /namecover se elimină din /id.
  • Am rezolvat un bug unde, dacă un membru FBI solicită licențe cu /namecover activ, apare numele real în loc de numele sub acoperire.
  • Am rezolvat un bug pentru membrii PD unde, dacă cumpără un skin silver/bronz în timp ce poartă un skin onyx/diamant, bonusurile de skin dispar și trebuie să seteze din nou skin-ul pentru a beneficia de ele.
  • Am rezolvat un bug unde, dacă mori în Misiunea OG Dance, ești respawnat în lumea virtuală 0 cu misiunea încă activă în loc să eșuezi.
  • Am rezolvat un bug cu comanda /engine și acum este mai optimizată.
  • Am rezolvat problemele cu informațiile greșite afișate pentru viteza maximă a Glendale-ului pe /dsprice.
  • Am rezolvat un bug unde serverul confundă diferitele TextDraw-uri cu TextDraw-ul Negustorului Egiptean.
  • Polițiștii cu namecover vor putea acum să folosească comanda /trade. Această funcționalitate va fi disponibilă doar dacă polițistul este on duty și are namecover activ.
  • Dacă /namecover este activ și membrul PD se reconectează, acesta va fi automat setat on duty după reconectare.
    • Adminii cu /acover activ și simultan într-o facțiune PD nu vor fi setați automat on duty; trebuie să o facă manual dacă vor să intre on duty.
  • Au fost adăugate noi mesaje informative când premiul de la /reward este înlocuit cu alt premiu din anumite circumstanțe.
  • Jucătorii nu vor mai putea folosi bicicletele când au wanted din cauza abuzului de bug-ul bunny hop.
  • A fost implementat un nou sistem pentru regiunile supra-aglomerate
    • Sistemul este conceput pentru a muta jucătorii AFK din punctele de spawn într-o lume virtuală diferită dacă îndeplinesc următoarele criterii:
      • Au fost AFK pentru mai mult de 5 minute.
      • Nu au un nivel wanted sau contract pe capul lor.
      • Nu se află într-o zonă de clan.
      • Nu sunt într-un vehicul.
      • Sunt cel puțin 5 alți jucători activi în apropierea lor.
    • Sistemul va readuce automat jucătorii marcați în lumea virtuală 0 dacă părăsesc zonele de spawn sau dacă criteriile de mai sus nu mai sunt aplicabile.
  • Un nou sistem anti-cheat pentru modul Engine-Off a fost adăugat.
    • Noul sistem are scopul de a menține corectitudinea detectând și prevenind activitățile de trișare asociate cu jocul pe mobil.
  • Adminii vor putea acum să se pună spectate pe jucători direct prin clic pe numele lor în /chesthours în loc să tasteze manual id-urile lor.
  • Comanda /vehicles a fost refăcută
    • Noul sistem categorizează vehiculele în diferite grupuri pe baza tipurilor lor
      • Aeronave: Vehicule proiectate pentru călătoria aeriană.
      • Mașini RC: Vehicule controlate de la distanță.
      • Biciclete/Motociclete: Vehicule pe două roți.
      • Bărci: Ambarcațiuni proiectate pentru navigarea pe apă.
      • Mașini: Vehicule standard pentru transport terestru.
      • Vehicule Închiriate: Vehicule închiriate de la afaceri de închiriere.
  • A fost implementat un nou job: ELECTRICIAN
    • Jobul de Electrician va avea 10 niveluri de skill de la început, jucătorul va putea repara electricitatea urmând un set specific de sarcini pentru a-și obține câștigurile. Jobul se găsește în Los Santos, jucătorii pot lucra doar în Los Santos și este un job legal. Jucătorul trebuie să aibă cel puțin nivelul 3 pentru a face acest job.
    • Jucătorul va putea repara electricitatea prin diferite minijocuri bazate pe competența sa, cu cât jucătorul are mai multă competență, cu atât minijocurile devin mai ușoare. În prezent, există 3 tipuri de minijocuri pe care jucătorul le poate face:
      • Tăierea firelor, care va fi activă de la skill 1 la skill 10.
      • Conectarea firelor, care va fi activă de la skill 4 la skill 10.
      • Reglarea tensiunii, care va fi activă de la skill 8 la skill 10.
    • Jucătorii vor primi un minijoc aleatoriu în funcție de nivelul pe care îl au la jobul de Electrician (de exemplu: Jucătorul cu skill 10 - Poate primi unul dintre cele trei minijocuri | Jucătorul cu skill 1 - Poate primi doar minijocul cu tăierea firelor).
    • Jucătorii vor trebui să îndeplinească un anumit număr de sarcini în funcție de skill lor pentru a-și obține câștigurile și pentru a avansa în skillul de electrician.
      • Skill 1 - 10 Electrician Tasks.
      • Skill 2 - 9 Electrician Tasks.
      • Skill 3 & Skill 4 - 8 Electrician Tasks.
      • Skill 5 - 7 Electrician Tasks.
      • Skill 6 - 6 Electrician Tasks.
      • Skill 7 & Skill 8 - 5 Electrician Tasks.
      • Skill 9 - 4 Electrician Tasks.
      • Skill 10 - 3 Electrician Tasks.
    • Fiecare minijoc va avea propriul său venit specific, care este influențat de distanța dintre punctul de lucru și locația curentă a jucătorului:
      • Tăierea firelor (Fără cont Premium):
        • Skill 1:  Max Income - 650$ | Min Income - 90$.
        • Skill 2:  Max Income - 718$ | Min Income - 102$.
        • Skill 3:  Max Income - 840$ | Min Income - 120$.
        • Skill 4:  Max Income - 1025$ | Min Income - 145$.
        • Skill 5:  Max Income - 1305$ | Min Income - 185$.
        • Skill 6:  Max Income - 1585$ | Min Income - 225$.
        • Skill 7:  Max Income - 1960$ | Min Income - 280$.
        • Skill 8:  Max Income - 2415$ | Min Income - 335$.
        • Skill 9:  Max Income - 2935$ | Min Income - 415$.
        • Skill 10:  Max Income - 3390$ | Min Income - 510$.
      • Conectarea Firelor (Fără cont Premium):
        • Skill 4:  Max Income - 1125$ | Min Income - 165$.
        • Skill 5:  Max Income - 1405$ | Min Income - 205$.
        • Skill 6:  Max Income - 1690$ | Min Income - 250$.
        • Skill 7:  Max Income - 2055$ | Min Income - 295$.
        • Skill 8:  Max Income - 2530$ | Min Income - 370$.
        • Skill 9:  Max Income - 3075$ | Min Income - 475$.
        • Skill 10:  Max Income - 3490$ | Min Income - 530$.
      • Reglarea Voltajului (Fără cont Premium):
        • Skill 8:  Max Income - 2670$ | Min Income - 430$.
        • Skill 9:  Max Income - 3175$ | Min Income - 495$.
        • Skill 10:  Max Income - 3600$ | Min Income - 560$.
    • Puncte de skill necesare pentru avansare:
      • Pentru Skill 2: 30 de puncte în total.
      • Pentru Skill 3: 90 de puncte în total.
      • Pentru Skill 4: 210 de puncte în total.
      • Pentru Skill 5: 450 de puncte în total.
      • Pentru Skill 6: 650 de puncte în total.
      • Pentru Skill 7: 900 de puncte în total.
      • Pentru Skill 8: 1200 de puncte în total.
      • Pentru Skill 9: 1550 de puncte în total.
      • Pentru Skill 10: 1900 de puncte în total.
    • Vehicule Electrician în funcție de Skill:
      • De la Skill 1 la Skill 2: Sadler.
      • De la Skill 3 la Skill 6: Picador.
      • De la Skill 7 la Skill 10: Rancher Lure.
    • Puncte de skill, puncte de clan și puncte de maraton Electrician:
      • De la Skill 1 la Skill 4: 1 Skill Point | 1 Marathon Point | 1 Clan XP Point.
      • De la Skill 5 la Skill 6: 2 Skill Points | 2 Marathon Points | 2 Clan XP Points.
      • De la Skill 7 la Skill 10: 3 Skill Points | 3 Marathon Points | 3 Clan XP Points.
    • Noi Achievementuri pentru Electrician au fost adăugate:
      • Rookie Electrician - Fii un Electrician și atinge skill 2.
      • Talented Electrician - Fii un Electrician și atinge skill 3.
      • Experienced Electrician - Fii un Electrician și atinge skill 4.
      • Master Electrician - Fii un Electrician și atinge skill 5.
      • Grand Master Electrician - Fii un Electrician și atinge skill 6. 
      • Challenger Electrician -  Fii un Electrician și atinge skill 7.
      • Epic Electrician -  Fii un Electrician și atinge skill 8.
      • Legend Electrician -  Fii un Electrician și atinge skill 10.
    • Alte informații utile despre jobul de Electrician:
      • Niciodată nu va fi selectat de două ori consecutiv un punct de lucru activ.
      • Jobul de Electrician este sever sancționat dacă jucătorul taie firele greșite, conectează firele greșite sau setează tensiunea greșită (Jucătorul va eșua în mod direct în job și va provoca o explozie).
      • Câștigurile din job vor fi contabilizate în obiectivul de Job și în obiectivul Personal.
      • Jobul poate fi desemnat "job of the day" ceea ce va crește venitul său cu un factor x2.
      • Jobul poate fi anulat folosind comanda /killcp.
  • Modificări Solo Rob:
    • Minijocul de scurtcircuit a fost actualizat, acum va fi bazat pe inputul jucătorului în loc de server tick-based, ceea ce înseamnă că lag-ul a fost redus și minijocul este mult mai fluid.
    • Au fost introduse noi minijocuri în sistemul de jaf solo, care vor fi bazate pe skill-ul Electricianului al jucătorului:
      • De la Skill 1 la Skill 5: Minijocul de scurtcircuit (minijocul implicit).
      • De la Skill 6 la Skill 7: Minijocul de tăiere a firelor SAU conectarea firelor.
      • De la Skill 8 la Skill 10: Minijocul de tăiere a firelor SAU conectarea firelor SAU reglarea voltajului.
    • Timer-ul pentru jafurile solo va fi, de asemenea, bazat pe Skill-ul de Jaf în loc de un timer static:
      • Rob Skill 1: 300 secunde.
      • Rob Skill 2: 310 secunde.
      • Rob Skill 3: 320 secunde.
      • Rob Skill 4: 330 secunde.
      • Rob Skill 5: 340 secunde.
    • Alte informații utile despre modificările în roburilor solo:
      • Dacă jucătorul primește un minijoc de electrician și greșește, numărul de sarcini pentru a finaliza acel minijoc va crește.
      • Minijocul de scurtcircuit va folosi acum tastele direcționale (WASD) pentru a muta firul și a ajunge la capătul circuitului, în loc ca serverul să-l mute pentru jucător.
    • Jucătorii pot acum să scape și să își elimine nivelul de wanted după ce comit o rob solo doar dacă jucătorul a reușit să evadeze cel puțin de la închisoare de 3 ori înainte, deține o licență de navigație și o permis de conducere.
      • Scăparea de wanted la solo rob va eșua dacă jucătorul moare, ia respawn sau este ucis de un membru al departamentului de poliție.
      • La finalizarea Părții 2, jucătorul își va elimina complet wantedul și va câștiga încă 5 puncte de maraton pentru încercarea de evadare, dacă maratonul este activ.
      • La finalizarea Părții 1, jucătorul își va reduce nivelul de wanted la 3 în loc de 6 și va câștiga 5 puncte de maraton pentru încercarea de evadare, dacă maratonul este activ.
      • Scăparea are 2 părți:
        • Partea 1 va consta în scăparea cu barca către o locație specifică în funcție de locația de jefuire a jucătorului, barca fiind legată de abilitatea de jefuire a jucătorului.
          • Skill 1: Dinghy
          • Skill 2: Launch
          • Skill 3: Speeder
          • Skill 4: Jetmax
          • Skill 5: Squalo
        • Partea 2 va consta în scăparea cu mașina către cea mai apropiată afacere Pay'n'Spray disponibilă, mașina fiind legată de abilitatea de jefuire a jucătorului.
          • Skill 1: BF Injection
          • Skill 2: Bandito
          • Skill 3: Slamvan
          • Skill 4: Bloodring
          • Skill 5: Sandking
    • Adăugat Sezonul 33 Marathon.
    • Administratorii pot acum să blocheze complet un jucător de la utilizarea oricărei funcționalități pe server folosind comanda /troller.
    • Administratorii pot acum să deblocheze un jucător dacă acesta este deja blocat folosind comanda /untroller.
    • Administratorii pot acum să vadă toți jucătorii blocați activi folosind comanda /trollers.
    • Jucătorul blocat nu va mai putea comunica pe server și va fi teleportat într-o lume virtuală diferită și ignorat.
    • Alte bug-uri minore au fost rezolvate.


  • We are thrilled to announce that we are transitioning to a new version for SA-MP called Open MP!
    • This update is designed to significantly enhance your gaming experience in the following ways:
      • Smoother Gameplay: Enjoy a more seamless and fluid gaming experience.
      • Reduced Lag: Experience less lag, making your gameplay more enjoyable.
      • Faster Server Response: Benefit from quicker server responses, ensuring your actions are registered instantly.
    • We are committed to providing you with the best possible gaming environment, and we believe that Open MP will take your experience to the next level, You can find more details about Open-MP on this site.
    • Open MP is fully compatible with SA-MP, so you can continue to enter the game using your normal SA-MP client. However, we highly recommend installing the Open MP launcher for a safer and more user-friendly experience using this website.
    • If you encounter any gameplay issues during this transition, please report them on our forums at [Bug Reports]. Your feedback is crucial in helping us improve the server for everyone.
  • Fixed a bug where if an FBI member goes on /namecover then quits then renters the /namecover doesn't get applied correctly.
  • Fixed a bug where if an FBI member uses /clanresign and has /namecover active, the /namecover gets removed from /id.
  • Fixed a bug where if an FBI member requests licenses with /namecover active, their real name appears instead of their undercover name.
  • Fixed a bug for PD members when they buy a silver/bronze skin while wearing an onyx/diamond skin, their skin bonuses disappear and they need to set the skin again to benefit from them.
  • Fixed a bug where if u die in OG Mission Dance you get respawned in virtual world 0 with the mission still active instead of failing.
  • Fixed a bug with /engine command and is now more optimized.
  • Fixed issues with wrong information displayed for the glendale's max speed on /dsprice.
  • Fixed a bug where the server confuses different TextDraws with the Egyptian Trader TextDraw.
  • Cops with namecovered will now be able to use the command /trade. This functionality will only be available if the cop is on duty and has namecover active.
  • If /namecover is active and the PD member re-logs, he/she will automatically be set on duty upon spawning after the re-log
    • Admins with /acover active and simultaneously in a PD faction won't be set on duty automatically they need to do it manually if they want to go on duty.
  • New informative messages are added when the prize from /reward is replaced with another prize due to certain circumstances.
  • Players will no longer be able to use Bicycles when they have wanted due to the abuse of the bunny hop bug.
  • A new System for Overcrowded Regions has been implemented
    • The system is designed to move AFK players from spawn points to a different virtual world if they meet the following criteria:
      • They have been AFK for more than 5 minutes.
      • They do not have a wanted level or bounty on their head.
      • They are not in a clan zone.
      • They are not inside a vehicle.
      • There are at least 5 other active players near them.
    • The system will automatically bring back flagged players to virtual world 0 if they leave the spawn areas or the criteria above are no longer applied.
  •  A new anti-cheat for the Engine-Off mod has been added.
    • The new system aims to maintain fairness by detecting and preventing cheating activities associated with mobile gameplay.
  • Admins will now be able to spectate players directly by clicking their names on /chesthours rather than manually typing their ids.
  • The /vehicles command has been reworked
    • This new system categorizes vehicles into different groups based on their types
      • Aircrafts: Vehicles designed for air travel.
      • RC Cars: Remote-controlled vehicles.
      • Bicycles/Motorbikes: Two-wheeled vehicles.
      • Boats: Watercraft designed for navigating water.
      • Cars: Standard ground vehicles designed for transportation.
      • Rented Vehicles: Vehicles rented from renting businesses.
  • A new job has been Implemented: ELECTRICIAN
    • The Electrician Job will contain 10 skills from the get-go, the player will be able to fix electricity following a specific set of tasks to get their earnings. The get-job is located in Los Santos, players can work only in Los Santos and it's a legal job. The player needs at least level 3 to do this job.
    • The player will be able to fix electricity throughout different minigames based on his skill, the more skill the player has the easier the minigames get. There are currently 3 types of minigames the player can do:
      • Cutting Wires, which will be active from skill 1 to skill 10.
      • Connecting Wires, which will be active from skill 4 to skill 10.
      • Regulating Voltage, which will be active from skill 8 to skill 10.
    • Players will get a random minigame based on the skill they have on the Electrician Job(e.g: Player Skill 10 - Can get 1 of the three minigames | Player Skill 1 - Can only get the cutting wires minigame).
    • Players will have to do a certain amount of tasks based on their skill to get their earnings and advance in their electrician skill.
      • Skill 1 - 10 Electrician Tasks.
      • Skill 2 - 9 Electrician Tasks.
      • Skill 3 & Skill 4 - 8 Electrician Tasks.
      • Skill 5 - 7 Electrician Tasks.
      • Skill 6 - 6 Electrician Tasks.
      • Skill 7 & Skill 8 - 5 Electrician Tasks.
      • Skill 9 - 4 Electrician Tasks.
      • Skill 10 - 3 Electrician Tasks.
    • Each minigame will have its own specific income which is influenced by how far the working checkpoint from player's current location:
      • Cutting Wires (Without a Premium Account):
        • Skill 1:  Max Income - 650$ | Min Income - 90$.
        • Skill 2:  Max Income - 718$ | Min Income - 102$.
        • Skill 3:  Max Income - 840$ | Min Income - 120$.
        • Skill 4:  Max Income - 1025$ | Min Income - 145$.
        • Skill 5:  Max Income - 1305$ | Min Income - 185$.
        • Skill 6:  Max Income - 1585$ | Min Income - 225$.
        • Skill 7:  Max Income - 1960$ | Min Income - 280$.
        • Skill 8:  Max Income - 2415$ | Min Income - 335$.
        • Skill 9:  Max Income - 2935$ | Min Income - 415$.
        • Skill 10:  Max Income - 3390$ | Min Income - 510$.
      • Connecting Wires (Without a Premium Account):
        • Skill 4:  Max Income - 1125$ | Min Income - 165$.
        • Skill 5:  Max Income - 1405$ | Min Income - 205$.
        • Skill 6:  Max Income - 1690$ | Min Income - 250$.
        • Skill 7:  Max Income - 2055$ | Min Income - 295$.
        • Skill 8:  Max Income - 2530$ | Min Income - 370$.
        • Skill 9:  Max Income - 3075$ | Min Income - 475$.
        • Skill 10:  Max Income - 3490$ | Min Income - 530$.
      • Regulating Voltage (Without a Premium Account):
        • Skill 8:  Max Income - 2670$ | Min Income - 430$.
        • Skill 9:  Max Income - 3175$ | Min Income - 495$.
        • Skill 10:  Max Income - 3600$ | Min Income - 560$.
    • Electrician Skill Points needed to achieve a new skill:
      • For Skill 2: 30 Skill Points in Total.
      • For Skill 3: 90 Skill Points in Total.
      • For Skill 4: 210 Skill Points in Total.
      • For Skill 5: 450 Skill Points in Total.
      • For Skill 6: 650 Skill Points in Total.
      • For Skill 7: 900 Skill Points in Total.
      • For Skill 8: 1200 Skill Points in Total.
      • For Skill 9: 1550 Skill Points in Total.
      • For Skill 10: 1900 Skill Points in Total.
    • Electrician job vehicles per Skill:
      • From Skill 1 to Skill 2: Sadler.
      • From Skill 3 to Skill 6: Picador.
      • From Skill 7 to Skill 10: Rancher Lure.
    • Electrician skill points, clan points & marathon points:
      • From Skill 1 to Skill 4: 1 Skill Point | 1 Marathon Point | 1 Clan XP Point.
      • From Skill 5 to Skill 6: 2 Skill Points | 2 Marathon Points | 2 Clan XP Points.
      • From Skill 7 to Skill 10: 3 Skill Points | 3 Marathon Points | 3 Clan XP Points.
    • New Electrician Achievements were added:
      • Rookie Electrician - Be an Electrician and reach skill 2.
      • Talented Electrician - Be an Electrician and reach skill 3.
      • Experienced Electrician - Be an Electrician and reach skill 4.
      • Master Electrician - Be an Electrician and reach skill 5.
      • Grand Master Electrician - Be an Electrician and reach skill 6. 
      • Challenger Electrician -  Be an Electrician and reach skill 7.
      • Epic Electrician -  Be an Electrician and reach skill 8.
      • Legend Electrician -  Be an Electrician and reach skill 10.
    • Other Useful Information about the Electrician Job:
      • A working checkpoint will never be picked twice in a row.
      • The Electrician Job is heavily punishable if the player cuts the wrong wire, connects the wrong wire, or sets the wrong voltage(The player will fail the job directly and will cause an explosion).
      • The job earnings will be counted on the Job goal as well as the Personal goal.
      • The job can be a job of the day which will increase its income by an x2 factor.
      • The job is cancelable using the command /killcp.
  • Solo Rob Changes:
    • The short circuit minigame has been updated, it will now be player input-based instead of server tick-based which means the lag has been reduced and the minigame is a lot smoother.
    • New minigames have been introduced to the solo rob system which will be based on the player's Electrician Skill
      • From Skill 1 to Skill 5: Short the circuit minigame(default minigame).
      • From Skill 6 to Skill 7: Cutting wires OR connecting wires minigame.
      • From Skill 8 to Skill 10: Cutting wires OR connecting wires OR regulate voltage minigame.
    • The solo rob timer will also be based on the Rob Skill instead of a static timer:
      • Rob Skill 1: 300 seconds.
      • Rob Skill 2: 310 seconds.
      • Rob Skill 3: 320 seconds.
      • Rob Skill 4: 330 seconds.
      • Rob Skill 5: 340 seconds.
    • Other useful information about Solo Rob Changes:
      • If the player gets an electrician minigame, doing it wrong will increase the number of tasks to do to complete that minigame.
      • The shot circuit minigame will now use directional keys(WASD) to move the wire to reach the end of the circuit instead of the server moving it for the player.
    • Players are now able to escape and remove their wanted level after doing a solo rob only if the player has at least escaped prison 3 times before, a sailing license, and a driving license.
      • The escape has 2 parts:
        • Part 1 will consist of escaping via a boat to a specific location based on the player's rob location, the boat is linked to the player's rob skill.
          • Skill 1: Dinghy
          • Skill 2: Launch
          • Skill 3: Speeder
          • Skill 4: Jetmax
          • Skill 5: Squalo
        • Part 2 will consist of escaping via a car to the nearest Pay'n'Spray business available, the car is linked to the player's rob skill.
          • Skill 1: BF Injection
          • Skill 2: Bandito
          • Skill 3: Slamvan
          • Skill 4: Bloodring
          • Skill 5: Sandking
      • Upon finishing Part 1 the player will have their wanted reduced to wanted 3 instead of wanted 6 and will gain 5 marathon points for attempting to escape if the marathon is active.
      • Upon finishing Part 2 the player will have their entire wanted removed and will gain another 5 marathon points for attempting to escape if the marathon is active.
      • The Solo Escape will fail if the player dies, respawns, or gets killed by a police department member.
  • Added Season 33 Marathon.
  • Admins are now able to block a player entirely from using any functionality on the server by using the command /troller.
  • Admins are now able to unblock a player if the player is already blocked by using the command /untroller.
  • Admins are now able to see all blocked active players by using the command /trollers.
  • The blocked player will no longer be able to communicate on the server and will be teleported to a different virtual world and ignored.
  • Other minor bugs have been resolved.
25.03.2024 - 7.3.2 - by mushrooma
3.1    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
14.02.2024 - 7.3.1 - by mushrooma
4.5    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
03.01.2024 - 7.3 - by mushrooma
4.2    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
11.12.2023 - 7.2.9b - by mushrooma
3.8    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
30.11.2023 - 7.2.9 - by mushrooma
4.2    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
01.09.2023 - 7.2.7 - by mushrooma
4.6    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
08.07.2023 - 7.2.6b - by mushrooma
4.2    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
04.07.2023 - 7.2.6 - by mushrooma
3.8    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
02.04.2023 - 7.2.5 - by mushrooma
2.1    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
01.03.2023 - 7.2.4 - by mushrooma
2.5    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
23.01.2023 - 7.2.3 - by mushrooma
3.6    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
01.12.2022 - 7.2.2 - by mushrooma
4.6    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
29.10.2022 - Version 7.2.1 - by Kelton
3    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
01.10.2022 - Version 7.2.0 - by mushrooma
3.4    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
01.09.2022 - Version 7.1.9 - by mushrooma
3.8    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
30.07.2022 - Version 7.1.8 - by mushrooma
4.6    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
30.06.2022 - Version 7.1.7 - by mushrooma
3.3    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
14.06.2022 - Version 7.1.6 - by mushrooma
4.4    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
08.06.2022 - Version 7.1.5 - by mushrooma
4    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
14.04.2022 - Version 7.1.4 - by mushrooma
3.5    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
14.02.2022 - Version 7.1.3 - by mushrooma
3.2    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
22.01.2022 - Version 7.1.2 - by mushrooma
2.7    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
24.12.2021 - Version 7.1.1 - by mushrooma
3.1    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
16.12.2021 - Version 7.1.0c - by [F4L]KillerFish and mushrooma
3.3    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
08.12.2021 - Version 7.1.0b - by mushrooma
3.4    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
26.11.2021 - Version 7.1.0 - by [F4L]KillerFish and mushrooma
3.1    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
29.10.2021 - Version 7.0.10 - by [F4L]KillerFish and mushrooma
3.2    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
26.09.2021 - Version 7.0.9 - by [F4L]KillerFish and mushrooma
2.7    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
10.09.2021 - Version 7.0.8 - by [F4L]KillerFish and mushrooma
4.2    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
31.08.2021 - Version 7.0.7 - by mushrooma and [F4L]KillerFish
4.8    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
25.08.2021 - Version 7.0.6 - by mushrooma
4.1    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
10.04.2021 - Version 7.0.5 - by [F4L]KillerFish
4.3    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
08.03.2021 - Version 7.0.4 - by [F4L]KillerFish
3.9    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
22.10.2020 - Version 7.0.2 - by [F4L]KillerFish
2.7    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
30.09.2020 - Version 7.0.1 - by [F4L]KillerFish
4.2    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
01.09.2020 - Version 7.0.0 - by [F4L]KillerFish
4.6    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
17.08.2020 - Version 6.9.9 - by [F4L]KillerFish
3.5    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
01.08.2020 - Version 6.9.8 - by [F4L]KillerFish
4.3    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
20.07.2020 - Version 6.9.8 - by [F4L]KillerFish
4.4    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
29.06.2020 - Version 6.9.7 - by [F4L]KillerFish
4.6    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
30.05.2020 - Version 6.9.6 - by [F4L]KillerFish
3.8    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
17.05.2020 - Version 6.9.5 - by [F4L]KillerFish
3.6    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
14.04.2020 - Version 6.9.4d - by [F4L]KillerFish
3.9    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
03.04.2020 - Version 6.9.4c - by [F4L]KillerFish
3.9    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
16.03.2020 - Version 6.9.4b - by [F4L]KillerFish
4.4    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
08.03.2020 - Version 6.9.4 - by [F4L]KillerFish
4.1    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
28.02.2020 - Version 6.9.3 - by [F4L]KillerFish and Adi007
4.3    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
09.01.2020 - Version 6.9.2 - by Adi007
2.8    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
16.12.2019 - Version 6.9.1 - by Adi007
3.4    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
10.12.2019 - Version 6.9.0 - by Adi007
3.1    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
30.11.2019 - Version 6.8.9 - by Adi007
4.4    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
22.11.2019 - Version 6.8.8 - by Adi007
4.6    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
09.11.2019 - Version 6.8.7 - by Adi007 and [F4L]KillerFish
4.7    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
24.10.2019 - Version 6.8.6 - by Adi007 and [F4L]KillerFish
4.3    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
14.10.2019 - Version 6.8.5 - by Adi007 and [F4L]KillerFish
4.7    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
03.10.2019 - Version 6.8.4 - by Adi007 and [F4L]KillerFish
4    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
27.09.2019 - Version 6.8.3 - by Adi007 and [F4L]KillerFish
3.4    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
20.09.2019 - Version 6.8.2 - by Adi007
3.3    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
12.09.2019 - Version 6.8.1 - by Adi007
4.4    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
30.08.2019 - Version 6.8.0 - by Adi007
4.8    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
27.08.2019 - Version 6.7.9 - by [F4L]KillerFish
3.4    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
24.08.2019 - Version 6.7.8 - by Adi007
4.8    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
20.08.2019 - Version 6.7.7 - by Adi007
4.1    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
30.06.2019 - Version 6.7.6 - by Adi007
3.6    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
19.06.2019 - Version 6.7.5b - by Adi007
2.6    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
29.05.2019 - Version 6.7.5 - by Adi007
4.3    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
22.05.2019 - Version 6.7.4 - by Adi007
4.3    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
09.05.2019 - Version 6.7.3 - by Adi007
3.2    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
30.04.2019 - Version 6.7.2 - by Adi007
4.6    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
22.04.2019 - Version 6.7.1 - by Adi007
4.7    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
10.04.2019 - Version 6.7.0b - by Adi007
4.4    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
08.04.2019 - Version 6.7.0 - by Adi007
2.8    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
27.03.2019 - Version 6.6.9 - by Adi007
3.2    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
27.02.2019 - Version 6.6.8 - by Adi007
3.8    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
20.02.2019 - Version 6.6.7 - by Adi007
4.2    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
11.02.2019 - Version 6.6.6 - by Adi007
2.5    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
01.02.2019 - Version 6.6.5 - by Adi007
4.1    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
22.01.2019 - Version 6.6.4 / 23.01.2019 - Version 6.6.4b / 24.01.2019 - Version 6.6.4c - by Adi007
4.8    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
11.01.2019 - Version 6.6.3 - by Adi007
4.4    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
07.01.2019 - Version 6.6.2c - by Adi007
2.3    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
30.11.2018 - Version 6.6.1 & 6.6.2 - by Adi007
4.7    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
19.11.2018 - Version 6.6.0 - by Adi007
3.5    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
26.10.2018 - Version 6.5.9b & 6.5.9c - by Adi007
4.4    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
19.09.2018 - Version 6.5.9 - by Adi007
4.6    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
16.09.2018 - Version 6.5.8b - by Adi007
4.7    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
09.09.2018 - Version 6.5.8 - by Adi007 and [F4L]KillerFish
4.3    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
01.09.2018 - Version 6.5.7 - 10 Years Together! - by Adi007
4.4    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
13.08.2018 - Version 6.5.6 - by Adi007 and NeroThugLife
3.4    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
01.08.2018 - Version 6.5.5 - by Adi007
4.6    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
20.07.2018 - Version 6.5.4 - by Adi007 and NeroThugLife
3.8    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
29.05.2018 - Version 6.5.3 - by Adi007
4.2    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
31.03.2018 - Version 6.5.2 - by Adi007
4.2    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
18.02.2018 - Version 6.5.1 - by Adi007 and NeroThugLife
2.8    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
03.02.2018 - Version 6.5.0b - by Adi007
4.4    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
30.01.2018 - Version 6.5.0 - by Adi007 and NeroThugLife
3.9    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
07.01.2018 - Version 6.4.9 - by Adi007 and NeroThugLife
3.5    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
24.12.2017 - Version 6.4.8 - by Adi007
4.4    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
13.12.2017 - Version 6.4.7 - by Adi007 and NeroThugLife
4.4    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
09.12.2017 - Version 6.4.6 - by Adi007 and NeroThugLife
4.1    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
30.11.2017 - Version 6.4.5b - by Adi007
4.6    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
27.11.2017 - Version 6.4.5 - by Adi007
4.3    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
17.11.2017 - Version 6.4.4 - by Adi007
3.4    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
30.10.2017 - Version 6.4.3 - by Adi007 and NeroThugLife
4.4    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
24.09.2017 - Version 6.4.2 - by Adi007 and NeroThugLife
4.3    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
11.09.2017 - 6.4.1 - by Adi007
3.8    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
25.08.2017 - Version 6.4 - by Adi007
4.5    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
19.06.2017 - Version 6.3.9 - by Adi007
4.4    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
01.06.2017 - Version 6.3.8 - by [F4L]KillerFish and Adi007
4.6    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
01.05.2017 - Version 6.3.7 - by [F4L]KillerFish and Adi007
4.4    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
09.04.2017 - Version 6.3.6 - by Adi007 and [F4L]KillerFish
4.7    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
31.03.2017 - Version 6.3.5b - by Adi007
3.3    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
18.03.2017 - Version 6.3.5 - by [F4L]KillerFish and Adi007
3.4    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
06.02.2017 - Version 6.3.4b - by [F4L]KillerFish and Adi007
4.1    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
01.02.2017 - Version 6.3.4 - by [F4L]KillerFish and Adi007
4.2    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
16.12.2016 - Version 6.3.3b - by [F4L]KillerFish
4.2    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
01.12.2016 - Version 6.3.3 - by Adi007 and [F4L]KillerFish
3.5    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
24.10.2016 - Version 6.3.2b - by [F4L]KillerFish
4    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
30.08.2016 - Version 6.3.2 - by [F4L]KillerFish and Adi007
4    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
04.08.2016 - Version 6.3.1b - by Adi007
4    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
28.07.2016 - Version 6.3.1 - by [F4L]KillerFish and Adi007
4.2    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
09.07.2016 - Version 6.3.0 - by Adi007
4.4    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
04.07.2016 - Version 6.2.9 - by [F4L]KillerFish
4.4    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
30.06.2016 - Version 6.2.8 - by [F4L]KillerFish
4    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
25.06.2016 - Version 6.2.7 - by [F4L]KillerFish
4    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
16.06.2016 - Version 6.2.6b - by [F4L]KillerFish
3.4    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
01.06.2016 - Version 6.2.6 - by [F4L]KillerFish
4    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
22.05.2016 - Version 6.2.5 - by [F4L]KillerFish
3.4    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
27.04.2016 - Version 6.2.4 - by [F4L]KillerFish
3.7    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
19.04.2016 - Version 6.2.3 - by [F4L]KillerFish
3.9    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
01.04.2016 - Version 6.2.2b - by [F4L]KillerFish
3.7    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
26.03.2016 - Version 6.2.2 - by [F4L]KillerFish
3.4    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
02.03.2016 - Version 6.2.1 - by [F4L]KillerFish
3.4    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
15.02.2016 - Version 6.2.0 - by [F4L]KillerFish
3.7    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
25.01.2016 - Version 6.1.9 - by [F4L]KillerFish
3.4    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
16.01.2016 - Version 6.1.8 - by [F4L]KillerFish
3.4    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
29.12.2015 - Version 6.1.7 - by [F4L]KillerFish
3.4    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
18.12.2015 - Version 6.1.6 - by [F4L]KillerFish
4.3    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
01.12.2015 - Version 6.1.5 - by [F4L]KillerFish
4.2    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
22.11.2015 - Version 6.1.4 - by [F4L]KillerFish
3.8    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
08.11.2015 - Version 6.1.3 - by [F4L]KillerFish
4.2    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
29.10.2015 - Version 6.1.2 - by [F4L]KillerFish
4    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
20.10.2015 - Version 6.1.1 - by [F4L]KillerFish
4    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
28.09.2015 - Version 6.1.0 - by [F4L]KillerFish
4.1    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
12.09.2015 - Version 6.0.9b - by [F4L]KillerFish
3.7    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
31.08.2015 - Version 6.0.9 - by [F4L]KillerFish
4    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
23.08.2015 - Version 6.0.8 - by [F4L]KillerFish
3.4    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
09.08.2015 - Version 6.0.7 - by [F4L]KillerFish
3.7    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
03.08.2015 - Version 6.0.6 - by [F4L]KillerFish
4.4    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
15.07.2015 - Version 6.0.5 - by [F4L]KillerFish
4.2    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
05.07.2015 - Version 6.0.4 - by [F4L]KillerFish
4    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
30.06.2015 - Version 6.0.3 - by [F4L]KillerFish
4.2    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
22.06.2015 - Version 6.0.2 - by [F4L]KillerFish
4    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
14.06.2015 - Version 6.0.1b - by [F4L]KillerFish
3.7    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
31.05.2015 - Version 6.0.1 - by [F4L]KillerFish
3.7    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
13.05.2015 - Version 6.0.0 - by [F4L]KillerFish
3.7    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
06.05.2015 - Version 5.8.9 - by [F4L]KillerFish
3.7    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
19.04.2015 - Version 5.8.8 - by [F4L]KillerFish
4    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
05.04.2015 - Version 5.8.7 - by [F4L]KillerFish
3.7    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
30.03.2015 - Version 5.8.6 - by [F4L]KillerFish
3.7    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
21.03.2015 - Version 5.8.5 - by [F4L]KillerFish
3.7    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
07.03.2015 - Version 5.8.4b - by [F4L]KillerFish
3.7    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
02.03.2015 - Version 5.8.4 - by [F4L]KillerFish
4    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
16.02.2015 - Version 5.8.3 - by [F4L]KillerFish
4    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
27.01.2015 - Version 5.8.2 - by [F4L]KillerFish
3.3    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
30.12.2014 - Version 5.8.1c - by [F4L]KillerFish
4.7    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
23.12.2014 - Version 5.8.1b - by [F4L]KillerFish
4.7    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
22.12.2014 - Version 5.8.1 - by [F4L]KillerFish
4    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
07.12.2014 - Version 5.8.0b - by [F4L]KillerFish
4.7    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
28.11.2014 - Version 5.8.0 - by [F4L]KillerFish
4.7    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
09.11.2014 - Version 5.7.9 - by [F4L]KillerFish
4.7    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
30.10.2014 - Version 5.7.8 - by [F4L]KillerFish
4.7    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
11.10.2014 - Version 5.7.7 - by [F4L]KillerFish
4    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
02.10.2014 - Version 5.7.6 - by [F4L]KillerFish
4.3    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
22.09.2014 - Version 5.7.5 - by [F4L]KillerFish
4    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
14.09.2014 - Version 5.7.4a - by [F4L]KillerFish
3.8    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
14.09.2014 - Version 5.7.4 - by [F4L]KillerFish
4.3    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
07.09.2014 - Version 5.7.3 - by [F4L]KillerFish
4.2    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
25.08.2014 - Version 5.7.2 - by [F4L]KillerFish
4    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
17.08.2014 - Version 5.7.1 - by [F4L]KillerFish
3.7    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
11.08.2014 - Version 5.7.0 - by [F4L]KillerFish
4    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
04.08.2014 - Version 5.6.9 - by [F4L]KillerFish
4    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
02.08.2014 - Version 5.6.8 - by [F4L]KillerFish
3.7    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
30.07.2014 - Version 5.6.7 - by [F4L]KillerFish
3.8    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
18.07.2014 - Version 5.6.6 - by [F4L]KillerFish
4.2    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
07.07.2014 - Version 5.6.5 - by [F4L]KillerFish
4.2    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
03.07.2014 - Version 5.6.4 - by [F4L]KillerFish
4.2    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
22.06.2014 - Version 5.6.3 - by [F4L]KillerFish
4    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
11.06.2014 - Version 5.6.2 - by [F4L]KillerFish
4    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
06.06.2014 - Version 5.6.1 - by [F4L]KillerFish
4    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
01.06.2014 - Version 5.6.0 - by [F4L]KillerFish
4    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
26.04.2014 - Version 5.5.9 - by [F4L]KillerFish
4.2    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
19.04.2014 - Version 5.5.8 - by [F4L]KillerFish
4.6    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
19.04.2014 - Version 5.5.7 - by [F4L]KillerFish
4    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
13.04.2014 - Version 5.5.6 - by Mastertrap21
4.2    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
05.04.2014 - Version 5.5.5 - by Mastertrap21
3.7    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
03.04.2014 - Version 5.5.4 - by Mastertrap21
4    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
01.04.2014 - Version 5.5.3 - by Mastertrap21
4    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
30.03.2014 - Version 5.5.2 - by Mastertrap21
4    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
22.03.2014 - Version 5.5.1 - by Mastertrap21
4    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
22.02.2014 - Version 5.5.0 - by Mastertrap21
3.8    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
22.02.2014 - Version 5.4.9 - by Mastertrap21
3.4    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
20.02.2014 - Version 5.4.8 - by Mastertrap21
3.4    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
16.02.2014 - Version 5.4.7 - by Mastertrap21
3.4    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
29.01.2014 - Version 5.4.6 - by Mastertrap21
3.4    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
19.01.2014 - Version 5.4.5 - by Mastertrap21
3.7    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
01.12.2013 - Version 5.4.4 - by Mastertrap21
3.7    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
13.11.2013 - Version 5.4.3 - by Mastertrap21
3.4    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
11.11.2013 - Version 5.4.2 - by Mastertrap21
3.4    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
10.11.2013 - Version 5.4.1 - by Mastertrap21
3.4    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
03.11.2013 - Version 5.4.0 - by Mastertrap21
3.7    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
12.10.2013 - Version 5.3.9 - by Mastertrap21
3.4    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
11.10.2013 - Version 5.3.8 - by Mastertrap21
3.4    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
10.10.2013 - Version 5.3.7 - by Mastertrap21
3.4    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
16.09.2013 - Version 5.3.6 - by Mastertrap21
3.4    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
10.07.2013 - Version 5.3.4 - by Mastertrap21
3.7    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
03.07.2013 - Version 5.3.2 - by Mastertrap21
3.4    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
08.05.2013 - Version 5.3 - by Mastertrap21
3.4    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
01.04.2013 - Version 5.2 - by Mastertrap21
3.4    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
16.02.2013 - Version 5.3.5 - by Mastertrap21
3.4    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
11.02.2013 - Version 5.1.5 - by Mastertrap21
3.4    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
16.01.2013 - Version 5.1.0 - by Mastertrap21
4.3    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
25.10.2012 - Version 4.1.220 - by Mastertrap21
4.2    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
01.09.2012 - Version 4.1.219 - by Mastertrap21
4.3    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
27.07.2012 - Version 4.1.218b - by Mastertrap21
4    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
20.07.2012 - Version 4.1.218 - by Mastertrap21
4    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
16.07.2012 - Version 4.1.217 - by Mastertrap21
4.2    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
28.06.2012 - Version 4.1.216 - by Mastertrap21
4.2    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
14.06.2012 - Version 4.1.215 - by Mastertrap21
4    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
06.06.2012 - Version 4.1.214 - by Mastertrap21
4    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
26.05.2012 - Version 4.1.213 - by Mastertrap21
4    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
19.05.2012 - Version 4.1.212 - by Mastertrap21
3.8    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
14.05.2012 - Version 4.1.211 - by Mastertrap21
4.2    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
05.05.2012 - Version 4.1.209 - by Mastertrap21
4    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
01.02.2012 - Version 4.1.201 - by Mastertrap21
4    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
23.12.2011 - Version 4.1b - by Mastertrap21
4.2    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
26.11.2011 - Version 4.1 - by Mastertrap21
4.4    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
28.07.2011 - Version 4.0 - by Mastertrap21
4.2    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
04.02.2011 - Version 3.9 - by Mastertrap21
4.2    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
25.09.2010 - Version 3.8 - by Mastertrap21
3.8    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
21.06.2010 - Version 3.7 - by Mastertrap21
4.4    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
23.05.2010 - Version 3.6 - by Mastertrap21
4.2    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
07.02.2010 - Version 3.5 - by Mastertrap21
3.9    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
18.12.2009 - Version 3.4.1 - by Mastertrap21
4.4    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
16.12.2009 - Version 3.4 - by Mastertrap21
4    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
21.10.2009 - Version 3.3 - by Mastertrap21
4.3    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
18.10.2009 - Version 3.3b - by Mastertrap21
4.3    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border
14.08.2009 - Version 3.2 - by Mastertrap21
4.1    star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border