The Confiscator (5011)
Be a Department member and confiscate a suspect's drugs, weapons or materials.
Player Level Last Login Achieved on Achievements
65 27.04.2024 00:35 24.04.2024 19:34 90
88 24.04.2024 17:58 24.04.2024 18:08 115
113 25.04.2024 23:11 24.04.2024 16:23 117
51 24.04.2024 08:02 24.04.2024 10:53 53
112 24.04.2024 13:13 24.04.2024 02:05 111
51 26.04.2024 19:51 24.04.2024 01:33 84
70 24.04.2024 23:35 23.04.2024 22:23 110
36 27.04.2024 11:41 23.04.2024 19:32 77
154 23.04.2024 18:00 23.04.2024 18:56 157
97 26.04.2024 20:17 23.04.2024 18:03 120
177 27.04.2024 18:08 23.04.2024 12:26 215
142 26.04.2024 23:44 22.04.2024 23:06 143
147 27.04.2024 11:03 22.04.2024 23:03 165
66 27.04.2024 13:06 22.04.2024 19:47 111
39 27.04.2024 19:25 22.04.2024 16:05 79