Clan logs
Date Owner Clan Action
22.08.2019 01:32 AdmBot AIM Got rank 4
22.08.2019 01:32 AdmBot AIM Joined the clan
22.08.2019 01:31 AdmBot AIM Left the clan
22.08.2019 01:30 AdmBot AIM Got rank 4
22.08.2019 01:30 AdmBot AIM Joined the clan
22.08.2019 01:30 AdmBot AIM Left the clan
22.08.2019 01:30 AdmBot AIM Got rank 4
31.07.2019 16:32 AdmBot AIM Joined the clan
31.07.2019 13:03 AdmBot AIM Left the clan
21.07.2019 21:36 AdmBot AIM Received ClanWarn
21.07.2019 21:36 AdmBot AIM Joined the clan
21.07.2019 21:29 AdmBot AIM Left the clan
21.07.2019 21:29 AdmBot AIM Received ClanWarn
21.07.2019 21:28 AdmBot AIM Joined the clan
21.07.2019 21:10 AdmBot AIM Left the clan