Date Owner Player Action
27.01.2018 20:47 AdmBot rpg2_UmBrA[] Got rank 5
27.01.2018 20:46 AdmBot rpg2_UmBrA[] Joined the clan
27.01.2018 20:24 AdmBot rpg2_Renwardftww Received ClanWarn
27.01.2018 20:24 AdmBot rpg2_Renwardftww Was kicked out (3 warns)
27.01.2018 20:24 AdmBot rpg2_Renwardftww Received ClanWarn
27.01.2018 20:24 AdmBot rpg2_Renwardftww Joined the clan
27.01.2018 19:56 AdmBot rpg2_Renwardftww Left the clan
27.01.2018 19:52 AdmBot rpg2_Renwardftww Got rank 6
27.01.2018 19:50 AdmBot rpg2_Renwardftww Joined the clan
27.01.2018 19:50 AdmBot rpg2_ana.beleaua2k69 Got rank 6
27.01.2018 19:50 AdmBot rpg2_ana.beleaua2k69 Joined the clan
27.01.2018 19:48 AdmBot rpg2_.Adi Created the clan