Clan logs
Date Owner Clan Action
04.09.2023 00:38 [oS]JuSsTyn AIM Got rank 5
20.07.2023 23:41 [oS]JuSsTyn AIM Got rank 4
20.06.2023 00:07 [oS]JuSsTyn AIM Got rank 3
28.05.2023 11:45 Jackus AIM Joined the clan
28.04.2023 09:12 [AIM]Gotti ZEW Left the clan
02.04.2023 00:30 St4cky ZEW Got rank 4
01.04.2023 02:53 St4cky ZEW Got rank 3
22.03.2023 23:52 St4cky ZEW Got rank 4
10.03.2023 22:40 St4cky ZEW Got rank 3
20.12.2022 13:48 Evil.[ZEW] ZEW Got rank 4
17.11.2022 22:01 Evil.[ZEW] ZEW Got rank 3
28.09.2022 00:01 Blasz[ZEW] ZEW Joined the clan
27.09.2022 23:57 Blasz[ZEW] ZEW Left the clan
26.09.2022 15:32 Blasz. ZEW Joined the clan
24.09.2022 02:13 [AIM]Gotti Original Gangsters Left the clan