Faction logs
Date Leader Faction Action Reason
04.08.2017 13:35 SFPD Received FactionWarn Reclamatie RPG.
21.07.2017 11:07 SFPD Received a FW clear Nu a mai gresit.
28.06.2017 23:27 SFPD Received FactionWarn /gov aiurea
28.06.2017 15:46 SFPD Received a FW clear Felicitari!
05.06.2017 20:01 SFPD Received FactionWarn Avea 0/3 + spam pe /d
05.06.2017 19:59 SFPD Received a FW clear Facem loc pentru altul.
06.05.2017 14:06 SFPD Received FactionWarn spam cu /fvr
06.05.2017 14:05 SFPD Got rank 5 Felicitari Domnule Capitan!
22.03.2017 21:06 SFPD Got rank 4 Activ, serios. Merita!
05.02.2017 20:09 SFPD Got rank 3 Merita. Felicitari!
05.01.2017 20:03 SFPD Got rank 2 Merita.
19.12.2016 19:50 SFPD Joined the faction None
17.12.2016 15:17 LS School Instructors Left the faction Demisie / Resignation
15.12.2016 18:29 LS School Instructors Received FactionWarn Neprezentare dovezi
04.12.2016 20:31 LS School Instructors Got rank 2 Felictari