Faction logs
Date Leader Faction Action Reason
26.03.2019 18:14 LSPD Got rank 5 Devotament, Felicitari.
28.01.2019 16:50 LSPD Got rank 4 Merita, Felicitari
27.12.2018 06:13 LSPD Got rank 3 Activitate, felicitari
01.12.2018 18:00 LSPD Got rank 2 Felicitari.
11.11.2018 21:23 LSPD Joined the faction None
06.11.2018 17:20 SF Taxi Resigned from leader None
05.07.2018 12:27 SF Taxi Received a FW clear Nu a mai facut greseli.
01.06.2018 22:07 SF Taxi Received FactionWarn Neacumulare ore - Mai.
31.01.2018 19:54 SF Taxi Got leader None
31.01.2018 19:49 SF Taxi Left the faction Leader Promotion
07.01.2018 00:49 SF Taxi Got rank 6 Noul Sublider !!
18.12.2017 22:35 SF Taxi Received a FW clear Are minimul
04.12.2017 20:32 SF Taxi Received FactionWarn Nu putem trai fara el, csf?
03.12.2017 23:21 SF Taxi Received a FW clear Ne pregatim de urmatorul FW?
18.11.2017 22:48 SF Taxi Received FactionWarn Facem loc de altul, spam /fvr