Faction logs
Date Leader Faction Action Reason
04.07.2019 21:57 Paramedics Received FactionWarn Spam cu fvr, Welcome
26.06.2019 22:24 Paramedics Got rank 5 Membru de baza si activ
27.05.2019 22:19 Paramedics Got rank 4 Devotament si experienta
28.04.2019 14:14 Paramedics Got rank 3 Paste Fericit
12.04.2019 22:02 Paramedics Got rank 2 Felicitari Paramedic
28.03.2019 15:13 Paramedics Joined the faction None
20.08.2018 23:44 Paramedics Left the faction Demisie / Resignation
28.05.2018 14:07 Paramedics Got rank 4 Merita! Ascultator
22.04.2018 11:40 N/A Paramedics Got rank 3 Automatic Promotion
01.04.2018 01:47 N/A Paramedics Got rank 2 Automatic Promotion
11.03.2018 00:02 Paramedics Joined the faction None