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Clan member of | Official Clan |
Join date | 19.01.2025 21:00 |
Rank | 2 |
Clan warnings | 0/3 |
Latest clan applications
Latest Clan logs
Date | Owner | Clan | Action |
03.02.2025 17:24 | [oC]XarL | Official Clan | Got rank 2 |
19.01.2025 21:00 | [oC].lamporo | Official Clan | Joined the clan |
19.01.2025 20:54 | [oC]xQzes | Elite Group | Left the clan |
19.01.2025 13:03 | [eG]DoNuT. | Elite Group | Got rank 2 |
19.01.2025 13:03 | [eG]DoNuT. | Elite Group | Got rank 1 |
14.01.2025 19:13 | [eG]DoNuT. | Elite Group | Got rank 2 |
11.01.2025 19:11 | [eG]Ciprian.Cipri | Elite Group | Joined the clan |
10.01.2025 21:02 | [PW]AdelaV. | Pure Will | Left the clan |
09.01.2025 15:00 | [PW]Aleodor[ZuZ] | Pure Will | Got rank 5 |
09.01.2025 14:59 | [PW]Aleodor[ZuZ] | Pure Will | Got rank 1 |
30.12.2024 15:24 | [PW]Septaruu777 | Pure Will | Got rank 5 |
20.12.2024 12:28 | [PW]Aleodor[ZuZ] | Pure Will | Got rank 4 |
02.12.2024 12:54 | [PW]Aleodor[ZuZ] | Pure Will | Got rank 3 |
24.11.2024 20:06 | [PW]Chaos. | Pure Will | Got rank 2 |
10.11.2024 18:05 | Yabadabadu | Pure Will | Joined the clan |