Faction Added on
SF School Instructors 26.10.2021 09:30
Blacklist logs
Date Faction Action Reason
31.10.2021 02:18 SF School Instructors -1 warn Warn accorded by mistake
30.10.2021 20:59 SF School Instructors +1 warn DM for no reason
26.10.2021 09:30 SF School Instructors Added on the blacklist DM
16.04.2021 16:40 LV Taxi Removed from the blacklist Automatic removal
14.04.2021 16:12 LV Taxi +1 warn DM Aiurea excesiv
14.04.2021 15:53 LV Taxi Added on the blacklist DM aiurea
16.10.2019 20:31 LV School Instructors Removed from the blacklist Automatic removal
16.10.2019 20:31 LV School Instructors Added on the blacklist Jigniri
08.06.2019 20:32 SF Taxi Removed from the blacklist Automatic removal
08.06.2019 19:31 SF Taxi Added on the blacklist DM
08.05.2019 13:58 News Reporters Removed from the blacklist Automatic removal
07.05.2019 22:46 News Reporters Added on the blacklist Deranjare AG