Faction logs
Date Leader Faction Action Reason
13.03.2019 21:02 Vietnamese Boys Left the faction Demisie / Resignation
11.03.2019 16:57 Vietnamese Boys Got rank 2 #LSGri Incoming <3
10.03.2019 15:07 Vietnamese Boys Received a FW clear Ai grija pe viitor.
17.02.2019 15:07 Vietnamese Boys Received FactionWarn Neprezentare sedinta
14.02.2019 18:19 Vietnamese Boys Joined the faction None
03.09.2018 22:07 The Tsar Bratva Left the faction Demisie / Resignation
03.09.2018 22:07 The Tsar Bratva Left the faction Demisie / Resignation
03.09.2018 22:05 The Tsar Bratva Left the faction Demisie / Resignation
03.09.2018 17:22 The Tsar Bratva Got rank 2 Felicitari #Ak47
20.08.2018 16:38 The Tsar Bratva Joined the faction None
26.11.2016 08:29
FBI Left the faction Demisie / Resignation
25.11.2016 19:51
FBI Received FactionWarn Absent activitate
16.11.2016 16:46
FBI Received FactionWarn Clear aiurea.
10.11.2016 19:24 FBI Joined the faction None
02.11.2016 21:56 LV Taxi Left the faction Demisie / Resignation