Clan logs
Date Owner Clan Action
17.03.2022 23:43 Andu. Ultras South Got rank 6
17.03.2022 23:42 Andu. Ultras South Joined the clan
17.03.2022 10:51 [uS]diviNE Ultras South Left the clan
17.09.2021 13:23 [uS]IamGold. Ultras South Promoted to clan owner
24.06.2021 18:43 [uS]maxtreme2008 Ultras South Received ClanWarn
06.05.2021 23:15 [uS]IamGold. Ultras South Promoted to clan owner
06.05.2021 23:11 [uS]maxtreme2008 Ultras South Joined the clan
06.05.2021 23:10 [uS]zeEk. Gangsters Family Left the clan
06.05.2021 23:08 SwE[GF] Gangsters Family Promoted to clan owner
06.05.2021 23:08 SwE[GF] Gangsters Family Joined the clan
06.05.2021 23:08 [uS]zeEk. Ultras South Left the clan
26.04.2021 22:24 [AIM]SwE Ultras South Got rank 6
26.04.2021 22:24 [AIM]SwE Ultras South Joined the clan
26.04.2021 22:17 [uS]zeEk. Ultras South Left the clan
28.03.2021 14:02 [uS]IamGold. Ultras South Promoted to clan owner