Clan logs
Date Owner Clan Action
10.01.2022 12:00 Kimball VODA Left the clan
27.12.2021 17:11 Dragon VODA Got rank 3
10.12.2021 16:18 Dragon VODA Got rank 2
23.11.2021 13:16 KimbaI[VODA] VODA Joined the clan
10.11.2021 19:03 Dragon VODA Left the clan
05.10.2021 13:23 KimbaI[VODA] VODA Got rank 5
22.01.2021 11:35 Kimball VODA Got rank 6
16.10.2020 23:27 KimbaI[VODA] VODA Got rank 5
17.09.2020 16:19 KimbaI[VODA] VODA Got rank 4
01.09.2020 11:33 KimbaI[VODA] VODA Got rank 3
09.08.2020 15:56 [F4L]Alvaro.Morata VODA Got rank 2
27.07.2020 23:15 AdmBot VODA Joined the clan
16.06.2020 00:53 Trip Independent Kings Left the clan
19.05.2020 10:52 [iK]Rustom Independent Kings Got rank 4
19.05.2020 10:52 [iK]Rustom Independent Kings Got rank 3