Clan logs
Date Owner Clan Action
14.10.2023 23:14 Hamed. AIM Left the clan
19.08.2023 23:34 [oS]JuSsTyn AIM Got rank 5
04.07.2023 17:14 [AIM]Shadoz AIM Got rank 4
05.06.2023 16:29 [oS]JuSsTyn AIM Got rank 3
15.05.2023 10:06 AdmBot AIM Joined the clan
22.06.2022 22:38 Jackus AIM Left the clan
26.05.2022 23:06 [oS]JuSsTyn AIM Got rank 2
06.05.2022 13:50 [oS]JuSsTyn AIM Joined the clan
04.05.2022 19:48 AdmBot Beg 4 Lenity Left the clan
18.04.2022 09:46 [TLK]Cosmynn_cn Beg 4 Lenity Got rank 4
17.04.2022 22:41 [AIM]florynn_fly Beg 4 Lenity Got rank 3
28.03.2022 13:00 [TLK]Cosmynn_cn Beg 4 Lenity Got rank 2
25.03.2022 13:25 [TLK]Cosmynn_cn Beg 4 Lenity Joined the clan
23.03.2022 09:53 Akki[uV] United Victory Left the clan
11.03.2022 12:15 MR.X United Victory Joined the clan