Clan logs
Date Owner Clan Action
14.02.2024 11:44 DMU Divine Devils Promoted to clan owner
25.12.2023 11:39 NuVandSabre Divine Devils Promoted to clan owner
24.12.2023 15:54 c0v7 Divine Devils Promoted to clan owner
03.10.2023 16:34 Coxmin Divine Devils Promoted to clan owner
30.07.2023 13:14 [DeV]Cosminescu Divine Devils Promoted to clan owner
30.07.2023 13:13 [DeV]Cosminescu Divine Devils Joined the clan
30.07.2023 13:11 [DeV]Cosmin AIM Left the clan
09.07.2023 01:43 [oS]JuSsTyn AIM Got rank 3
18.06.2023 12:21 Jackus AIM Joined the clan
18.06.2023 12:21 [DeV]Cosmin Divine Devils Left the clan
17.06.2023 20:26 [DeV]Cosminescu Divine Devils Promoted to clan owner
17.06.2023 20:26 [DeV]Cosminescu Divine Devils Joined the clan
17.06.2023 20:22 [DeV]Cosmin Divine Devils Left the clan
13.06.2023 14:16 Coxmin Divine Devils Promoted to clan owner
13.06.2023 14:08 Gringo Divine Devils Promoted to clan owner