
Date Leader Player Action Reason
30.12.2024 23:53 [AIM]GR0VE Joined the faction None
10.12.2024 00:00 cowS Was kicked out (with FP) abuz de functie
30.11.2024 23:38 cowS Joined the faction None
30.11.2024 23:37 [AIM]GR0VE Left the faction None
01.11.2024 12:28 [AIM]GR0VE Joined the faction None
01.11.2024 12:19 Bray[OLD] Left the faction Sfarsit de mandat
31.08.2024 17:56 Bray[OLD] Joined the faction None
28.08.2024 18:16 [oC].lamporo Left the faction Demisie / Resignation
09.08.2024 17:01 [oC].lamporo Joined the faction None
09.08.2024 13:33 cowS Was kicked out (with FP) afaceri ilegale
01.08.2024 22:22 cowS Joined the faction None
29.07.2024 21:03 [TLG]Stan Left the faction Demisie / Resignation
01.07.2024 19:27 [TLG]Stan Joined the faction None
30.06.2024 23:56 Nazze Left the faction None
01.06.2024 20:07 Nazze Joined the faction None