Very Important Person
Date Owner Player Action
26.04.2024 00:38 Woon.WEB[VIP] C@x.20[VIP] Got rank 3
25.04.2024 21:45 AdmBot VictorUKMeister Left the clan
25.04.2024 20:29 Buri.[FARAON][VIP] GeoDauDeRup[VIP] Got rank 5
25.04.2024 19:52 Woon.WEB[VIP] VictorUKMeister Got rank 6
25.04.2024 19:51 Woon.WEB[VIP] eLsa[VIP] Got rank 3
25.04.2024 19:50 Adytzzu[VIP] VictorUKMeister Joined the clan
25.04.2024 18:19 [NEW16]rpg2_Golanucatani. [NEW16]rpg2_Golanucatani. Left the clan
25.04.2024 15:22 FerUK[VIP] bragon.hte[VIP] Got rank 6
25.04.2024 15:20 FerUK[VIP] AdelynAvocalmin[VIP] Got rank 5
25.04.2024 15:20 FerUK[VIP] AdelynAvocalmin[VIP] Joined the clan
25.04.2024 15:19 FerUK[VIP] miauUK7 Left the clan
25.04.2024 15:17 FerUK[VIP] [NEW16]rpg2_Golanucatani. Got rank 5
25.04.2024 15:17 FerUK[VIP] [NEW16]rpg2_Golanucatani. Joined the clan
25.04.2024 15:16 FerUK[VIP] Stamate34 Left the clan
25.04.2024 02:03 FerUK[VIP] eLsa[VIP] Joined the clan