Date Owner Player Action
07.06.2024 13:00 [nF]EuMoldovanJR [nF]EuMoldovanJR Left the clan
31.05.2024 12:42 [BE]LUPU.JR [BE]LUPU.JR Left the clan
28.05.2024 19:06 Aditu23 PreaChillMisuu Left the clan
25.05.2024 23:10 Aditu23 [BE]LUPU.JR Joined the clan
25.05.2024 22:59 Redix[DvL] Redix[DvL] Left the clan
25.05.2024 22:59 Aditu23 Alexmane Left the clan
25.05.2024 22:59 Aditu23 [OG]NemoNWA[1] Left the clan
25.05.2024 22:58 Aditu23 _Rizea_ Left the clan
25.05.2024 22:58 Aditu23 Bado Left the clan
25.05.2024 22:58 Aditu23 [A]Vio97 Left the clan
25.05.2024 22:57 Aditu23 Redix[DvL] Joined the clan
25.05.2024 22:50 Aditu23 IonTEROAREA. Joined the clan
25.05.2024 21:52 aditu_20 Nini30 Joined the clan
25.05.2024 11:05 Adonis[1][GOLD] Adonis[1][GOLD] Left the clan
25.05.2024 03:45 Aditu23 Bado Joined the clan