Date Owner Player Action
01.05.2024 14:04 [1337]FINE almightykled[777] Promoted to clan owner
01.05.2024 14:03 [1337]FINE almightykled[777] Joined the clan
27.02.2024 08:44 JereGusterul JereGusterul Left the clan
24.02.2024 09:17 [1337]FINE JereGusterul Got rank 6
24.02.2024 09:16 [1337]FINE JereGusterul Joined the clan
19.02.2024 09:32 Kled... Kled... Left the clan
19.02.2024 09:31 Kled... [1337]FINE Promoted to clan owner
19.02.2024 09:31 Kled... [1337]FINE Joined the clan
19.02.2024 09:31 [NEW16]Kled [NEW16]Kled Left the clan
19.02.2024 09:30 Kled... [NEW16]Kled Got rank 6
19.02.2024 09:30 Kled... [NEW16]Kled Joined the clan
28.12.2023 17:16 GolanLuptCuDestinu[ZEW] GolanLuptCuDestinu[ZEW] Left the clan
28.12.2023 17:16 GolanLuptCuDestinu[ZEW] Kled... Promoted to clan owner
28.12.2023 17:13 Kled... GolanLuptCuDestinu[ZEW] Promoted to clan owner
28.12.2023 17:09 Kled... GolanLuptCuDestinu[ZEW] Joined the clan