Familia 4 Life
Date Owner Player Action
13.05.2024 02:24 [F4L]SonyEricson1 [F4L]RaiN. Got rank 2
13.05.2024 02:07 [F4L]shine. [F4L]Buri.[FARAON] Joined the clan
12.05.2024 21:03 AdmBot BengaFinantzBanK Left the clan
12.05.2024 19:07 Sony2Pairs Sony2Pairs Left the clan
12.05.2024 17:59 [F4L]bgs9 SonyFullDameServit Left the clan
12.05.2024 17:58 [F4L]bgs9 Sony2Pairs Got rank 6
12.05.2024 17:56 [F4L]bgs9 Sony2Pairs Joined the clan
12.05.2024 16:55 [F4L]SonyEricson1 [F4L]eLsa Got rank 6
12.05.2024 16:55 [F4L]SonyEricson1 SonyFullDameServit Got rank 6
12.05.2024 16:55 [F4L]SonyEricson1 SonyFullDameServit Joined the clan
12.05.2024 14:19 Danutu[2] Danutu[2] Left the clan
12.05.2024 14:09 [F4L]Danutu.M6 Danutu[2] Joined the clan
12.05.2024 01:56 [F4L]SonyEricson1 [F4L]eLsa Joined the clan
12.05.2024 01:54 [F4L]eLsa [F4L]eLsa Left the clan
11.05.2024 22:36 [F4L]SonyEricson1 BengaFinantzBanK Joined the clan